Herring Shoes

Great shoes need great socks

21 October 2016


Last month I wanted you to understand that your feet deserve better, so my tips were about how to treat them the best way you can.

This time I want to “bring back to their former glory” something too often neglected:

your socks!

Obvious, isn’t it? But somehow 80% of you guys don’t wear good ones. You often buy cheap, too big, too small or poor quality socks that won’t last. Isn’t that a bit crazy?

Your socks should cocoon your feet. So again think about quality. Think about good material and fabrics. They will last longer, you will feel more comfortable and you will look so much better as well.

Choose different ones for Summer and Winter. You won’t sweat too much when it’s hot and you can make a fuss of your feet by wearing a mix of wool and cashmere when it’s cold.

You know that amazing feeling when you sleep under your favourite duvet? That feeling of well being? Well, trust me, good socks are the exact same thing for your feet.

You must also change your socks everyday, or even 2 times a day after a crazy morning running after your dog/wife/client/car/customer/bus… and it’s raining hard!

You need to show some common sense, because if you want the best shoes, they deserve the right socks.


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